9. How Do You Start This Journey
The final instalment in the 9 Steps to Freedom series. After everything that you have learnt in the 8 previous essays, its time to decide if the path you take is to freedom or if you stay in your lane, content with your lot. Or worse moaning about it while doing nothing to solve it.
During the first interview with our clients we always say that this journey you are undertaking is not for everyone. It certainly isn't for the faint of heart.
However for those of you that have felt the blood burn in your veins, those that want to change the injustices that we face. This is gives you the choice. What you do with it is up to you.
The freedoms, knowledge and feeling of control over your own destiny is indescribable.
We are told by our governmental overlords to take responsibility and be accountable for our actions yet only on their terms, not ours. Tyranny creeps into our lives daily. It doesn't have to.
You know the difference between right and wrong.
You do not need a government to hold you to ransom while they tell you it's for your own good.
You were born free and if you feel it is your duty to reclaim your freedom I welcome and salute you.